I’m doing well “too” (2)

Jubril Gbolahan Adigun
6 min readMay 15, 2020

This is a sequel to my I’m doing well “too”(1) article. Continue to enjoy

If you haven’t read the first part, you can do so here.


I was ready to take control of my life. I was always feeling like I was doing someone else’s job because my very close friend, who studied in the Social sciences didn’t have a job; and here I was, an engineering graduate working as an auditor. In February of this year I got promoted to the position of Experienced Audit Analyst after successfully completing the knowledge level of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) certification exams. This earned me a Diploma in Accounting and Business.

After several attempts to change roles within the firm, get admitted for a master’s degree in a suitable engineering program, try improving my skills in embedded programming using DIYs or even get another job, with no real results, I was beginning to resign to fate and had almost decided to make do with my new found profession. That’s me, I always make it work somehow, anyhow.

Luckily, I got offered admission into the same university for two (2) different programs — Robotics and Computer Engineering (tuition based) and Software Engineering (tuition-waived plus it was a joint program in two universities). This was a closure attempt for me only because one of my brothers, “Akeem” was always on my case not to relent especially with my pursuit for further studies. You can guess which one I opted for.

In late summer 2018, I quit my audit job to further my education. But that’s not the interesting part. Two days after finalizing my resignation, I got married to my tall, beautiful and special wife. She is a dentist and also runs a very small scale business in handmade embroidered pillows and cotton-ware. If you ever need advice regarding oral health or consultation in many health ramifications, feel free to reach out to her on instagram. If you are also willing to discuss business or learn about what she does, check out allkindsofpillows on instagram.

Some people don’t think marriage should be considered as success. But I beg to differ — marriage is hard work, and it is business. I was 24 going on 25 and I was married. Call me stupid, it’s alright but I knew what I wanted. If you are idiotic enough to get married, then you courageous enough to take on life.

And so, I began my master’s studies in September, on a full tuition waiver and a stipend to support for at least, the first year. About two weeks after resumption, I reached out to some lecturers at my institute to indicate my interest in their research works. While others were negative, I got a positive response from a certain, Dina Anwar. We set up a meeting and she introduced me to what is called Green Software Engineering [👌cool stuff right? You can reach out to me if you would like to know more]. I couldn’t see this through for many reasons far from my fault.

Next, I participated in the NASA Space Apps Challenge in Tartu where I worked with 4 Ukrainians (2 PhD, 2 MS) in our group, Starships on the topic “MAP INHABITED AREAS AND ESTIMATE POPULATION”. The outcome of our work can be found here. Subsequent to this, I was engaged in 2 back-to-back sessions of rat relay challenge — I made it to the cover of the presented document 😁😁.

Yet, I was selected as a participant to attend an all expenses paid trip to the Slush Helsinki conference in December 2018. It was quite an experience for me. I made some nice friends there and my network grew quite tremendously. The conference bore the greatest minds in business, IT, Education and almost any field of endeavor; just name it. Interestingly, I ended up paying for a ferry ride back to my country of residence when I missed my flight even though I had gotten to the airport way before the boarding gate was opened.

Back in school, I was contending with mammoth load of assignments and exams were fast approaching. Did I mention to you that I was also taking a beginner’s level Chinese language class?


First semester was over and some of my colleagues and I, had opted for a specialization in our second university. I volunteered in the Wardrobe team at Startup Day 2019 fest. If I reflect well, we were only two black people out of about 4000 attendees and of course, I made an impression. I was commended for my beaming smile as I helped attendees with putting away their items. I had a good time. During spring break, we registered for a Garage48 software entrepreneurship course. It was a week long hackathon program. I was one of the people that presented an idea and got people to join my team. We (EasyRide) were planning to build a USSD based ride hailing system (no internet needed). The idea is still up for dev so, please hit me up if you think we can work on it together.

Semester 2 began and I was lucky enough to land a trainee-ship position in Ericsson Estonia. It was a full time internship position and I was studying full time as well. Again, it somehow worked out for me. I was selected as team lead for IT volunteers at Collision conference in Canada but I couldn’t attend because I was denied visa. It was so painful but it’s one of those things in life you have to deal with.

In July, my internship was complete and I was offered a permanent position in the company. I work there till date. In the same month and the next, I attended summer schools — Model-based Development of Autonomous Systems in Turku, Finland and then the 18th Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science at Roosta Village, Estonia.

Semester 3, I was still working, attending classes, working on my seminar topic in preparation for my final thesis and juggling everything in between. During this time, I was selected as Campus Director for Hult Prize On-campus challenge for 2019/2020 for my primary university. Hult Prize is a global impact movement by students all over the world. It was particularly tough for me because I was studying elsewhere and I had to direct affairs in another university. It was almost impossible. Thanks to the good team that was there to help out. I also got the chance to meet the Estonian president and pitch our idea on behalf of Dragon skin team at the Garage48 Future of Wood hackathon.


It was a hectic start for me with a make-up exam on my mind. I fared well but not satisfactorily — it’s all part of life . I then attended CEE Fintech Leaders Forum courtesy of Leslaw A. Paga Foundation in Warsaw, Poland. When I got back from the forum, I again volunteered at Startup Day 2020 in the same Wardrobe team as the previous year. And it was another wonderful experience. I am also working on my 2021 goal to have some proficiency in 5 UN languages (English✅, Arabic✔, Chinese — Mandarin❎, French✔, Russian❓).

Hoping to complete my master’s thesis in May, but we’d see about that. I’m still growing and can only get better at doing me. By now, you should have enough to answer if I’m doing well. What I would like for you to do is to also be able to begin to measure your successes. Like my friend said: Success isn’t a “finality” it’s in stages.

If you enjoyed this piece or would like to connect with me or share your own #i’mdoingwelltoo experience, please leave a response, follow me, or reach out @ask4jubad on LinkedIn, instagram, twitter, facebook. I always enjoy a good buddy. Thank you



Jubril Gbolahan Adigun

Software, Systems and AI | Startup Entrepreneur | Computer Science Researcher in Quality Engineering